Club Penguin Not

Club Penguin Not was my first 3D game. The game was made on Unity, for a community event.

Year: 2019
Software: Unity, Blender, Visual Studio

It's like a disease, when the desire of making a game unfortunately happens to you.
You have all these ideas, and this delusion takes over you that lets you ignore the feeling of dragging your face along broken glass,
which is the experience of game development.

Anyway, this was my first 3D game.
It is a short game jam game where you are a penguin looking to defend your community from seals.
Along the way you may change your weapons and improve its stats.

As I did not have much experience with 3D modeling, the models were made with the extrude function, scaling faces, and proportional editing on Blender.

As for the lighting, coloring and post-processsing: There was minimal.
The strategy of limiting things as much as possible as a form of creative style is something I like to do a lot.
In this case the materials were set up to reflect no light (Black Albedo), and used one of three flat colors.
In combination with the models being low-poly, it was a fun set of assets to work with.

With animations, the standard way is to create them either in Blender or Unity using the little timelines and such,
but I wasn't about that.
Instead, the animation was done in-code, using functions from a library called iTween.
It was a great library to work with, working in a very similar way to a more familiar jQuery.
The "Punch" animation type gave the game much life - it was an animation type that is very abrupt and bouncy, making movements look more lively than if a standard, constant scale or rotation was used.

People played it at the event. It feels quite nice being able to watch other people interact with something you've made.
It's also a good test of how streamlined you were able to design the experience to be.
For casual events you usually need games to be short, concise and mostly linear.


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