Give Me Hot

Give Me Hot is a internet content dashboard written using Java Spring Boot.

Year: February 2018
Language: Java
Libraries/Frameworks: Spring Boot

This was a personal landing page for my browser home tab.
It includes short summaries of sites I checked in 2018.
In the old world, this would just be an RSS feed, but the world unfortunately doesn't work like that anymore.

The page is made up of:

Spring Boot, the framework this site was made in, is Java's web framework.
Java is one of the more stricter languages compared to my usual.
It gives you kind of a clean feeling; when you're being whipped into coloring within the lines.

Usually when making these archive pages I reinstall the project to see if it's still functional.
In the case of this Java project, I did not do so, as Java now requires account registration to install.

The links are what I used to frequent in 2017/2018.
The only place I frequent now is Hacker News, which I guess says more about my aging than anything else.

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