MERN Services Site
A landing page/promotional site of a theoretical organization using the MERN stack.
Year: December 2017
Language: Javascript
Libraries/Frameworks: ReactJS
This project was completed in order to experience the true pain of the MERN stack,
Which was quickly gaining popularity around 2017 - with building entire projects out of Javascript using Angular, React, Vue, and whatever other frameworks pop up claiming to be the best only to be taken out of support 6 months later.
As a preface I would like to mention that I am absolutely anti-"everything shouldbe built out of Javascript because that's all that I learned from my two-week online youtube course".
Or in other terms, one could say I am a luddite.
All the more reason that I had to force myself through this, because enjoying your hobby is overrated.
The MERN stack is:
MongoDB — Database
Express — Node.js Web framework
React — Frontend framework
Node — Server
This site is a straight forward landing page.
It has a contact form which stores in a database.
Since I'm already making myself go through the MERN stack,
I figured I'd also subject myself to some other atrocities,
such as making the frontend look like every other scammy corporate site.
The whole relatively-new concept behind needing an entire process, with its own scripts, libraries, supermassive 3000-file dependencies, dedicated to running just a frontend, is a ridiculous one that I will always believe was invented in order to create job security in an utterly artificially volatile and unnecessary frontend JS field driven by the thirst for Twitter attention.
It has only proved to be a detriment for end users (you know, the people we're actually making things for? But in the age of modern web development it has since become all about the developer and prioritising their experiences with having things feel new and shiny for their resume for the next job they're going to abandon ship for in 10 months, creating another half-baked Javascript product), as they must download 2MB of javascript on each page visit, sit through 4,000 loading animations, and interface is buggy "dynamic" pagesFUCK you.