Toyscreen is a screenshot sharing microblogging platform.
Year: February 2018
Language: PHP
Libraries/Frameworks: CodeIgniter
The site's purpose is for the user to frequently post screenshots from the game they are playing.
Posts show the date and your caption of the screenshot.

When you play games, it's nice to take a screenshot along the way.
In the end you have a sort of album of the progress you made over time.
And in the cases where you're more into role playing, you get to see your character development and story.

I thought organizing screenshots of gameplay like this made the whole gameplaying process a little less lonely, too.

The landing page for the platform:
I am not sure why the logo is a small drawing of a pug.

The setup page for the blog:

There's also a guestbook witha captcha:

I enjoyed doing this most with MMO characters.
And it has to be an online game because that's where you really feel that sense of worthlessness with all these experienced people walking around you.
You'll likely never be as "good" as them but you're happy to progress at your own pace anyway. So documenting that process is fun.
Kind of like real life I suppose.